Welcome to Week 8 Term 2

 Malo Ni and welcome to our 8th week of the term. 

The weather has been very wet lately! I hope you managed to spend your weekend resting up and having quality time with your loved ones. It was good to hear that sports still went ahead. Do share photos of your child in their sports, we would love to see them.

We have another busy week ahead. This week we have a team of people visiting our school to support our staff and students around Digital Well-Being.

This Thursday there will be lots going on. Some staff will be attending an NZEI meeting. So we have decided to have this:

And then later in the evening, there is this:

We would love to see you at dinner if you can make it.

Other things happening this week:

- Library

- Gymnastics in Hall - 12:45pm, lunchtime. 
- Kapa Haka

- Pasifika, 11am    
- Choir - 12pm
- Assembly. 

Friendly Reminders:
- Please send your child's RE book back with a positive comment.
-TOD Friday 9th July ( Week 10 of the term)

We hope the weather is kind to us this week with more sunshine. Have a great one.

Nga mihi nui,

Kahikatea Team


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