Welcome to Week 3 Term 4
Kia ora parents and whānau
Welcome to week 3, which is another busy week. There is no swimming this week or next, and Kahikatea's next turn will be in Week 5. Team Kahikatea did a great job of leading the school in the Rosary on Thursday. This was live-streamed from the hall to the rest of the school.
RAFFLES: Thank you for your support with the selling of our PTA’s Raffle Books. The books must be returned immediately, sold or unsold. We cannot draw the raffle until all the tickets are in. Thank you.
EARLY FINISH FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR STAFF: Tuesday 2nd November at 2.30 pm, our staff, along with teachers from St Michael’s Rotorua, St Mary’s Putararu and Bishop Edward Gaines in Tokoroa are involved in Titiro Whakamuri kia haere whakamua Professional Development. We will need to finish school at 2.15 pm on that Tuesday so I ask that you pick your child up at 2.15pm. If you require after-school care you can ring Maryanne Roling from Glenholme Afterschool Care. Mary Anne’s contact number is: 347 0709 or 0211 215599
WORKING BEE. We intend to have a working bee this Saturday 6th November. A letter has been sent home for you to fill in how you might be able to help. Please return these forms to school. I really appreciate the support we get from you, so thank you in anticipation. Children are welcome and we will have a BBQ lunch.
ATHLETICS FOR YEAR 3 TO 6s: Our annual Athletics Day will take place on Monday, November 8th. Please click on the form below to help us organise the event.
SWIMMING: The pool is in perfect condition for swimming. The water temperature is around 30 degrees, so it is warm. The pool is a great facility and we expect that children will have their swimming togs with them.
Friday 12th November. Teacher Only Day. There will be no school on this day.
God bless and have a great week.
Sophie Bowie and Team Kahikatea
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