Welcome to Week 4 Term 4

Kia ora Room 15 whānau,

We would like to express our gratitude to all families that helped and supported our school with the working bee yesterday. It was a very successful day with such a great turnout. Plenty of jobs were completed. Thank you once again for your extra helping hands. It is great to see manaakitanga ( kindness) and kotahitanga ( unity) in action at our school.

PTA Raffle Results

1st Prize Bye Family

2nd Prize Ruden Castillo

3rd Prize Grace Defensor

Sustainability learning

This term, Sustainability is the concept that the children's learning will be based around. We are very lucky to learn about terrariums. Terrariums are miniature gardens, housed inside small – and usually sealable – containers like bottles and jars.

As fully functioning (albeit tiny) plant ecosystems, they’re mostly self-sustaining, with the plants watering themselves through transpiration and condensation. Science!

Our request is for any clear plastic or glass jars at home that you are happy to dispose of. We will be creating our own terrariums. Please start sending in your jars or plastic containers in as soon as you can. 

The plants that we would like to put into our terrariums: succulents, moss. If you have an abundance of these at home, we would appreciate some donations too please. 

What's on this week:

Monday: Year 3-6 Athletics Day 8.45 - 2.30pm at the International Stadium Field 2

Please drop off your Y3-6 child/ren at the entrance to the Athletics ground (Field 2) at the International Stadium on Devon Street West between 8.30am and 8.45am. Children will return to the gate ready pick up at 2.30pm. Children must be collected from the ground by 3pm at the latest. The gate will be locked between 9am and 2.30pm this year. Parents can only enter the grounds if they are a volunteer helper assigned a set task.

Tuesday: Rm 15 Library

Friday: Teacher only Day.

Cross fingers we will have some good weather this week especially for Athletics Day. I wish you all a wonderful week with many joyful blessings.

Sophie Bowie and Kahikatea Team.


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